Isle Of U


Isle Of U is a jubilant love song, full of brass and trumpets. If you’re wondering where the Isle might be, you’re probably lost. Go find it and let the horns blow Isle Of U!
The video clip is made by the wonderful Marilyn Sonneveld:

The video was semi-finalist at the Caribbean Film Festival 2017 and officially selected for the online Liftoff filmfestival in Amsterdam, 2017.

The words are:

Isle of U

Close the gate, and lower the blinds right now
Lock the doors, be still tonight
Please be quiet and switch off your telephones
Let the horns blow Isle of U

Isle of U
The horns playing for you
The sirens singing for you

Please sit down and cast away your fears
Let the words become the hymn
I will be the herald of your sweet love
Let the horns blow Isle of U

Isle of U
The horns playing for you
The sirens singing for you
A high trumpet for you

© Hans Croon

Isle Of U blazers
Wouter Schueller, Luuk Hof and Jeroen van Genuchten playing the Isle Of U theme in Wedgeview Studios
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