So Long H.N. Werkman

Tutu, tutu, tutu
Tutu, tutu, tu

So Long, H.N. Werkman
Freedom of the mind
Speak out, play and fight
In violet lights
In silent nights

Circles, squares and chimneys
Prints of paradise
Racetracks, horses blue
Blue, blue, blue
Where are you

Somire mare maksi
Conbrise la contaksi
A monde microkaksi
Parfaite satisfaksi
Valore non valaxi
Presente par sequaxi
Colosso la colaxi
Un grande stupéfaxi
Aquiso quasi quaksi
Stupido adoraksi

Next call, H.N. Werkman
Carters plowing through
Descent into the Maelström
Round and round
And round and round
And round and round

Tutu, tutu, tutu
Tutu, tutu, tu

Punches, stamps and templates
Pressing cubes and lines
Werkman calling hey
Away we go
Away we go
Away we go

Subito un injaksi
Profonde profilaksi
Ridicula loquaxi
Un imposante smaksi
Regarde son pretaksi
Devalde educaxi
Retorica redaksi
Perfecte superflaxi
A basso immédiaxi
Salvo sonoso claxi

More about So Long H.N. Werkman


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