Nous Sommes Très Petits

There’s always someone down in every crowd
Always a nameless figure trading about
He’s at the top of the state administration
Or anywhere else where certain things can’t be expressed aloud

Unlike dictatorships that rise and fall
These ones remain, they’ll always outlive them all
‘Cause they adapt, they conform to every standard
Cruel it may be, it doesn’t spoil the silent diplomats ball

A skilled collaborator’s neutrality
Makes you alert on forms of deviancy
It’s no real point who exactly gets the sack
Gypsies or Jews, it’s the abuse, the abuse
Of a man on his back

Nous sommes très petits
Nous sommes très petits
Nous sommes très petits
Nous sommes très petits

A skilled collaborator’s neutrality
Makes you alert on forms of deviancy
It’s no real point who exactly gets the sack
Gypsies or Jews, it’s the abuse, the abuse
Of a man on his back

Nous sommes très petits
Nous sommes très petits
Nous sommes très petits
Nous sommes très petits
We’re so small
We’re so small
We’re so small

Here’s some more about this song.

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